Mindful consumption
Affluenza :: The All-Consuming Epidemic
Selfish Society :: How we all forgot to love one another and made money instead
Living with less :: Adopting the minimalist mindset
Overdressed :: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion
Becoming Minimalist :: Designed to inspire individuals to pursue their greatest passions by owning fewer possessions.
Womens Health
Half The Sky :: An eye-opening book of women’s experiences in different countries and cultures
Empowerment plan :: educate, employ, and empower homeless individuals to create a better life for themselves and their families while producing a humanitarian product for those in need. A MUST WATCH!
The War of Art :: Break through the blocks and win your inner creative battles
Flow, the secret to happiness :: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The power of vulnerability :: Brene Brown