Hi Stitchers!! What a week! Not so long back, I put up my hand to run a how-to class on no sew buntings (upcycled, natchly) with the good people at Laneway Learning.
This is kinda big deal stuff for me, because of my thing about public speaking. Some people are naturals, born with a silver tongue. Others would rather drown in a vat of boiling oil than take that long walk to the front of the room. Make ready the hot oil – I hate public speaking. I make no secret of it and family, friends and colleagues are all clear on this.
So when I told my dearest and nearest I was planning to do a public ‘how-to’ session, I could see their concern for my welfare. Who’s this crazy woman, and what’s she done with Kris!! To my own surprise, I actually went through with it! I do get anxious about public speaking so it was confronting to put my hand up for it and then just sit with the emotional ride I’d thrown myself into. It even took me a few goes to confirm by reply email! And then I tried to cancel leading up to the event!!
I love sewing, and have since forever. I want to share that simple joy with people so, in the end, love trumps fear this week. I’m gona keep nudging those boundaries (internal scream) and sharing my passion for sewing.
A lovely bunch of six attended – it was a perfect size for me to be able to help everyone and have a good chat too. I loved hearing how everyone was going to use their new skills: making wedding decorations; office decorations; kids party and baby shower decorations, as well as Christmas decorations. It made me so super excited! And my fear from an hour and a half before just dissolved as I found my voice and got to sharing what I love.
It ended up a totally awesome, fun, creative night with music, chats and laughs. And I’m ready to do it all over again! (Ha!)
The class was held in the evening after closing at Rouge Coffee in South Brisbane. The coffee shop supply shelves conveniently held up the example buntings!
We chopped…
We chopped some more!
We recycled!
and in the end made beautiful buntings!
Stay tuned I think another one will pop up soon!
Waste not want not,

Why hello! hahaha. It was a fantastic class!
Hehe! Hey there fellow bunting maker 🙂 was so nice to have you and Becca there xxx
Love this post! It was such a fun night xxx
You’re awesome hun! So loved having you there! Xxx